AUGUST 12, 2013


The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Fosston, Polk County Minnesota was held in council chambers on Monday, August 12, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Offerdahl with the following members present:  Dufault, Veum and Lambert.  Member absent:  Carlson.  Also present was Sheriff Erdman, Bonnie Stewart, Chris Thorson of Ulteig Engineers, Greg Mireault, Dean DeFrang, Dave Larson, Lee Cariveau and Pat Hanlon.


Motion was made by Lambert seconded by Veum to approve the agenda with the following additions:

1)       Consider change to Ordinance #93 – Animal Licensing – clarification of licensing.

2)      Consider approval of Temporary permit for the Clinic to serve alcohol at the Fire Department on September 19th for Regional Meeting.

3)      Consider approval of Change Order #13 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvement.


Motion was made by Veum seconded by Lambert to approve consent agenda items A through C.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


A)      To approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July 8, 2013 as per copies furnished each member.

B)      To approve Accounts Payable Bill Listing #13-08 in the amount of $123,745.86 and AP Bill Listing #13-08A in the amount of $691,244.11.

C)      To call for bids on gasoline, diesel fuel and emergency equipment rental for 2013/2014.




Law Enforcement:   Sheriff Erdman was present to discuss law enforcement matters:

Ø  Law Enforcement is seeing a lot of increased court time in part due to more jury trials.  Eventually we may see some of this in the Fosston budget.

Ø  There were 38 to 40 traffic stops this past month.

Ø  The permanent speed signs should be installed sometime in the fall.

Ø  The new deputy should finish training in the next two to three weeks.


Streets/Sanitation/Utilities:  Dave Larson reported on matters pertaining to his departments:

Ø  Sweeping, mowing, cleaning, weed spraying and tree trimming continues.

Ø  Some gas services were installed with a few more to go.

Ø  A lot of underground work was done this year.

Ø  Our contract with NMPA (Northern Municipal Power Agency) expires in 2021.  The agency is looking to extend this to 2051.  This is necessary in part due to long term bonding.  Larson will have Darrell Tveitbakk, General Manager of the agency,  come to Fosston to explain how NMPA operates – a special joint meeting with Council and Commission can be scheduled for this.


Civic Center/Parks & Recreation:  Pat Hanlon reported on matters pertaining to his department:

Ø  It was a good summer season with good staff.

Ø  The number of towns bringing in swimmers increased this year.

Ø  Fosston is hosting a state softball tournament with 18 teams expected this weekend.

Ø  A safety net will be installed over the main hub at the complex seating area.


Community/Economic Development:

Ø  The FEDA Board met today.  An RFP for the Mobil Property has been prepared and was reviewed for publication.  There is some cleanup left to do on the property.  However, the superfund will cover 90% of the cost.

Ø  The Johnson Avenue redevelopment was discussed.



Ø  Weed spraying and grass re-seeding will be done.

Ø  The old NDB building by the radio tower will be removed.


 Member Veum introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:








BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fosston as follows:


            1.         That the State of Minnesota Agreement No. 03874, “Grant Agreement for                                    

                        Airport Maintenance and Operation” at the Fosston Municipal Airport is hereby                            



            2.         That the Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to                               

                        execute said Agreement No. 03874 and any amendments on behalf of the City of




The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Dufault and upon vote being taken thereon the following members voted in favor thereof:  Veum, Dufault, Lambert and Offerdahl


And the following voted against the same: None


Whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted this 12th day of August, 2013.



                                                                                                                James Offerdahl, Mayor



            Charles Lucken, City Administrator


Motion was made by Lambert seconded by Dufault to approve the Application for Exempt Permit from Fosston Area Sportsman’s Club for a fundraiser at Ventures Bar & Grill on October 19, 2013.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


The Fosston Golf Course was discussed.  Mayor Offerdahl informed the council that he and Administrator Lucken had met with owner Greg Mireault this afternoon.  The committee for the association met a week ago and there was an initial pro-forma done but more work needs to be done.  The main thing is to see what the property is worth and what the city is willing to pay for it.  What portion will the association pay and what is the gap.  Some gap financing may be necessary.  Councilmember Lambert asked Mireault if this property is on the open market and it is not.  Mireault stated that if nothing is done by the end of the month he will put it on the market.  Lambert further stated that it will be hard for the city to go above market value.  Mireault will not give the city first right of refusal.


Bonnie Stewart, President of the Heritage Center Board was present to request financial assistance for upcoming projects.  She presented the Outdoor Grounds Project that includes a cement slab at the picnic shelter, a brick base and stand for the bricks for display.  After lengthy discussion on this important amenity, motion was made by Lambert seconded by Dufault to approve a donation of $3,000 to the Heritage Center for the cement slab.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


Motion was made by Veum seconded by Lambert to approve the Keys & Building Security Policy.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  This will be put into place in the next 30 to 60 days and will also address who has authority to access certain properties such as the water, wastewater facilities.


Motion was made by Dufault seconded by Veum to approve the Farm Lease renewal between the City and Mike Grandbois.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  This lease is for a period of three years commencing January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016 with rent at Ninety-five ($95.00) dollars per acre per year.


Motion was made by Veum seconded by Lambert to approve the BNSF Real Estate Purchase Agreement for alley right-of-way at a cost of $58,500.00 along with a $2,000 processing fee.  This purchase is contingent upon review by the City Attorney and perhaps a title opinion.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


Chris Thorson of Ulteig Engineers was present to discuss the Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project and change orders related to it.


Change order 13 is for installation of a repeater radio on the water tower for the SCADA system.  This was necessary in order for the system to read the Brandt Avenue lift station.  Motion was made by Lambert seconded by Dufault to approve Change Order #13 in the amount of $4,290.00 to Gladen Construction for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


Chris Thorson presented plans for a new Industrial Lift Station and forcemain that is included in Change Order #14.  This lift station has deteriorated to the point that it could fail at any time.  Because this serves so many industries it is necessary to complete this project as soon as possible.  This project is over the $100,000 threshold that requires bids.  However, due to the emergency and urgent need to get this lift station replaced it will not be bid.  Funding for this project will be done through PFA and become part of the entire Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion Project.  Interest rate of 1.4%.  Motion was made by Veum seconded by Dufault to approve Change Order #14 in the amount of $326,828.25 to Gladen Construction.  This motion is contingent upon PFA financing the project.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


Motion was made by Lambert seconded by Veum to approve the change to Animal Ordinance #93 to clarify that all licenses shall expire on December 31st of each year.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


Motion was made by Lambert seconded by Veum to approve the temporary on sale liquor license to The Clinic Bar & Grill to serve alcohol at the Fosston Fire Hall on September 19, 2013 for the Regional Meeting.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.


There being no further business to come before the council, motion was made by Dufault seconded by Lambert to adjourn.



                                                                                    Charles Lucken, City Administrator