
Welcome to the Veteran's Memorial
The Veteran's Memorial is part of Melland Park, located on Highway #2 East in Fosston. Flags fly proudly in the breeze, welcoming you to the park. A Cobra helicopter and an M60A3 Army tank provide reminders of the heroic acts of our local servicemen and women. Visitors to the park can pay tribute as they view the individual granite stones, placed in honor or in memory of local service men and women who have served our country. Stones placed under the trees recognize service men and women who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Enhancing the Park
The City has worked hard to upgrade and improve the Veteran’s Memorial Garden/Park. The City hired a landscape architect who worked with a committee to develop a preliminary master plan for the park. The plan addresses the much needed repairs as well as future long-term improvements, including space for a wall of statues – a bronze military statue from each branch of service. Walkways and benches to pause for reflection are also a part of the plan. Phase I of the plan is estimated to cost around $243,000 and Phase II is estimated at about $42,000. Anyone who is interested in seeing a copy of the plans is invited to stop by City Hall or call the office and we will be happy to mail one.
In 2017 the first life size bronze statue was placed on the "Wall of Heroes" at the park. The statue is a WWII era Army paratrooper in full combat gear and is truly a breathtaking statue.
In 2020 the second and third life size bronze statues were installed at the Memorial Park, including a Vietnam era soldier in dress-ware saluting the flag and a navy sailor at ease in traditional sailor pea coat attire. Flanking the Army paratrooper on each side these statues stand proudly together as the heroes they represent.
Wall of Heroes
A local group of marines are organizing a fundraiser to add a marine statue to our “Wall of Heroes” at our Veterans Memorial Garden in Fosston. The statues that are at the park currently have all been made possible by generous private donations. If you wish to learn more about the fundraising effort of this local group or wish to donate, please see the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fosston-memorial-park-statue
In 2019, a local company, Cut N Creations in Fosston installed three impressive steel signs with images and narrative at each of our pieces of equipment.
The City has identified a number of grant opportunities that it will apply to and hopefully secure funding for part of the cost of improvements. We were notified in April by the State of Minnesota that we had been awarded a grant for the Memorial for $9,900.00. This required a dollar for dollar match that the City Council approved at its May meeting. This is a start, but a long way from where we need to be. Donations of any size are needed and so much appreciated as we begin to make the improvements.
It was donations that built the garden in 1998 and donations that will fund the improvements – Together We Can!
Download an information and donation form here or call City Hall and talk to Cassie today, 218-435-1959.
For information on placing a stone in memory or in honor of a service man or woman, contact City Administrator, Cassie Heide at 218-435-1959, or by emailing cassie@fosston.com.